
In an environment where engineering and construction projects are becoming increasingly complex, efficient management of technical plans and documents is essential to ensure success and profitability. Yoneos CRM offers a comprehensive and intuitive solution to centralize, organize, share, and control all of your technical documentation.

Introducing Yoneos CRM

Yoneos CRM is a powerful and flexible customer relationship management (CRM) software designed to meet the specific needs of companies in the engineering and construction industry. It offers a wide range of features dedicated to managing projects, tasks, contacts, and, importantly, technical plans and documents.

Key Features for Managing Technical Plans and Documents

1. Centralized Storage and Organization ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ

Yoneos CRM allows you to store all of your plans, drawings, specifications, and other technical documents in a single location, accessible to all members of your team. No more scattered files across different computers or servers!

2. Version Control and Revision History ๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ

Keep track of every change made to your technical documents with built-in version control. You can view revision history, restore previous versions, and see who made what changes.

3. Secure Sharing and Collaboration ๐Ÿค

Yoneos CRM makes it easy for your team members, partners, and vendors to collaborate. You can share documents securely, set access permissions, and track document interactions.

4. Access Control and Permissions ๐Ÿ”’

Define different access levels for each user, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view, modify, or download sensitive documents.

5. Integration with Other Tools (CAD, BIM, etc.) ๐Ÿ”Œ

Yoneos CRM easily integrates with your existing design and engineering tools, such as CAD and BIM software. You can seamlessly import and export data, ensuring a streamlined workflow.

6. Workflow Management for Plan Approval ๐Ÿ“‘

Automate the plan approval process by defining customized workflows. Assign tasks to different stakeholders, track progress, and get approvals quickly and efficiently.

7. Document Status Tracking and Reporting ๐Ÿ“Š

Yoneos CRM provides detailed information on the status of your documents. You can track revision history, download counts, and user activity, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your document management.

8. Simplified Archiving and Retrieval ๐Ÿ“

Yoneos CRM lets you easily archive your technical documents while maintaining quick and easy access. You can search for documents by keywords, date, author, or other relevant criteria.

9. Automation of Repetitive Tasks ๐Ÿค–

Automate repetitive tasks related to document management, such as approval reminders, report generation, and folder creation. Free up valuable time to focus on more strategic tasks.

10. Integration with Project Management Systems ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

Yoneos CRM integrates with popular project management systems, allowing you to track document status and link them directly to tasks and projects.

11. Project-Related Document Management ๐Ÿ“

Organize your technical documents by project, ensuring that each document is associated with the right project and easily accessible to team members.

12. Advanced Search Capabilities ๐Ÿ”

Quickly find the documents you need with Yoneos CRM’s advanced search features. You can filter by keyword, date, author, document type, and other criteria.

Benefits and Real-World Use Cases

Optimizing the Design and Engineering Process:

  • Improved collaboration and communication between teams.
  • Reduction of errors and delays in the design process.

Enhancing Team Collaboration:

  • Centralized access to all technical documents.
  • Improved knowledge sharing and communication.

Reducing Errors and Delays:

  • Built-in version control and revision history.
  • Automated and efficient plan approval.

Better Risk Management:

  • Access control and permissions to ensure the security of sensitive documents.
  • Document status tracking and reporting to identify potential problems.

Compliance with Standards and Regulations:

  • Centralized document management to ensure compliance with industry standards.
  • Secure archiving to meet regulatory requirements.

Real-World Use Case Examples:

An architectural firm can use Yoneos CRM to manage plans, specifications, and construction documents for their projects.

A construction company can use Yoneos CRM to manage execution plans, inspection reports, and project handover documents.

* A consulting engineer can use Yoneos CRM to manage plans, calculations, and reports for their clients.


Yoneos CRM offers a comprehensive and powerful solution to effectively manage your technical plans and documents. By centralizing your information, automating processes, and improving collaboration, Yoneos CRM helps you optimize your design and engineering process, reduce errors and delays, and ensure compliance with standards and regulations.