Pierre Dubois, Sales Manager at AéroTech, a company specializing in professional drone design, had long struggled with a common problem faced by many salespeople: losing sight of opportunities.

“Before Yoneos, I managed my opportunities in an Excel spreadsheet. It was a nightmare! 🤯 I had trouble keeping track of the different sales stages, prioritizing contacts, and remembering important details. As a result, I was wasting a lot of time and losing potential sales,” explains Pierre.

Yoneos came as a breath of fresh air. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Pierre was able to simplify his opportunity management and achieve tangible results.

The main benefit? A significant time saving and a 25% increase in his revenue.

How did Yoneos enable this improvement?

Efficient Opportunity Tracking: Yoneos allows Pierre to visualize all of his opportunities, track their progress, and organize them according to their priority. “I finally have an overview of my sales pipeline and can focus on the most promising opportunities.”

Automation of Repetitive Tasks: Yoneos automates administrative tasks, such as sending follow-up emails or scheduling appointments. “I can focus on what really matters: selling.”

Optimal Collaboration: Yoneos facilitates collaboration with other members of his team. “All team members have access to the same information and can easily track the progress of opportunities.”

Intuitive Analytics and Reporting: Yoneos provides detailed analytics and reports on Pierre’s performance. “I can identify the strengths and weaknesses of my sales strategy and adjust my actions accordingly.”

A concrete example?

One day, Pierre received a quote request from a large company. Thanks to Yoneos, he could easily create an opportunity, add all the important information, and share it with his team. He then could track the progress of the opportunity and ensure that all team members were aware of the latest information. Ultimately, thanks to the collaboration and visibility offered by Yoneos, the team was able to win the contract! 🎉

What impressed Pierre the most? “The ease of use of Yoneos. The interface is clear and intuitive, and I was able to get to grips with the tool very quickly. Plus, customer support is excellent and available to answer all my questions.”

Yoneos has simplified Pierre’s daily work by allowing him to:

Focus on high-value added actions

Gain time and efficiency

Improve collaboration with his team

Make informed decisions through analytics and reporting

Pierre is very satisfied with Yoneos. “I highly recommend Yoneos to all salespeople looking to improve their performance and simplify their work.”

“Yoneos has revolutionized my way of managing opportunities. I am more efficient, more organized, and I have gained confidence. I can’t imagine working without this tool!” – Pierre Dubois, Sales Manager at AéroTech.

Want to boost your sales and simplify your opportunity management? Download a free trial of Yoneos today and discover for yourself the benefits of this revolutionary tool! 🚀