Recruitment is a complex and time-consuming process. For companies, optimizing the management of relationships with recruitment agencies is crucial to boosting the efficiency of their external recruitment efforts and securing the best available talent.

Yoneos CRM is a powerful tool that can help you simplify and improve the management of your relationships with recruitment agencies.

Here’s how Yoneos CRM can transform your external recruitment process:

Centralization and Organization 📂

Yoneos CRM lets you centralize all information related to your recruitment agencies:

Contact details: Names, phone numbers, email addresses, websites…

Specializations: Areas of expertise, types of positions they recruit for…

Interaction history: Contact dates, meeting notes, shared documents…

Performance: Number of candidates submitted, candidate quality, placement rate…

Say goodbye to information scattered across different files or spreadsheets! Yoneos CRM gives you a complete and unified view of your relationships with recruitment agencies, enabling you to make more informed decisions.

Improved Collaboration 🤝

Yoneos CRM fosters efficient collaboration with recruitment agencies:

Document sharing: Upload your job briefs, mission descriptions, recruitment guidelines…

Internal communication: Create tasks and reminders for your recruitment team to ensure regular follow-up on applications and relationships with agencies.

Integrated messaging system: Communicate directly with recruitment agencies within the platform.

Yoneos CRM simplifies communication and facilitates collaboration between your recruitment team and partner agencies, optimizing the overall recruitment process.

Tracking and Performance Evaluation 💪

Yoneos CRM allows you to objectively evaluate the performance of recruitment agencies:

Candidate tracking: Identify the origin of candidates and their progression in the recruitment process.

Result evaluation: Measure placement rate, candidate quality, and agency effectiveness.

Performance analysis: Identify the highest-performing agencies and those requiring extra attention.

By analyzing performance data, you can make strategic decisions to optimize your relationships with recruitment agencies and maximize the return on investment of your external recruitment efforts.

Task Automation 🤖

Yoneos CRM lets you automate certain repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time:

Emailing: Configure email templates for updating information, requesting applications, or confirming appointments.

Task creation: Automate candidate follow-up, agency reminders, and deadline management.

Automation lets you focus on higher-value tasks such as talent sourcing, candidate evaluation, and strategic decision-making.

Benefits of Yoneos CRM ✨

Yoneos CRM offers numerous benefits for managing recruitment agencies:

Simplify the external recruitment process

Improve the quality of applications received

Reduce time and effort devoted to recruitment

Optimize recruitment costs

Strengthen your company’s image with recruitment agencies

Make more informed decisions about recruitment

Yoneos CRM is a flexible and powerful solution that adapts to your company’s specific needs. Explore the benefits of this platform and optimize your external recruitment process today!