Managing an efficient customer support team is crucial for customer satisfaction. A robust scheduling system is essential to ensure optimal coverage and reduced wait times.

Yoneos CRM offers an integrated solution to organize and manage your customer support team’s schedules with precision and efficiency.

📈 Schedule Optimization and Team Planning

Yoneos CRM allows you to:

Plan the working hours of each agent, taking into account holidays, vacations, and flexible schedules.

Create specific teams and shifts to meet your business needs.

Manage agent absences (sick leave, vacation, etc.) and automatically replace them with other team members.

Generate schedules for each agent and team based on your requirements.

🗓️ Absence Tracking and Leave Management

Yoneos CRM provides complete visibility into your team’s availability:

Automatic tracking of leave and absences.

Management of leave requests through an integrated request and approval system.

Easy access to calendars for each agent and team.

🤝 Task Assignment and Flexible Schedule Management

Yoneos CRM helps you efficiently distribute tasks and manage flexible schedules:

Automatic ticket assignment to available agents based on their skills and workload.

Management of flexible schedules with the ability to define work hours and availability windows.

🤖 Task Automation and Data Integration

Yoneos CRM incorporates automation features to save you time:

Automated scheduling of teams and task assignment.

Integration with other tools such as your ticketing system and email.

🚀 Benefits for Your Business

Improved communication between agents and customers due to increased visibility of team availability.

Increased customer satisfaction through reduced wait times and improved service quality.

Reduced costs by optimizing resource utilization and minimizing downtime.

Enhanced collaboration among team members through better schedule synchronization.

Increased productivity by automating tasks and optimizing schedule management.

🌟 Key Features of Yoneos CRM:

Schedule Management: Create, edit, and plan agent schedules.

Absence Tracking: Manage leave, absences, and holidays.

Task Assignment: Automatically distribute tickets based on agent availability.

Data Integration: Connect with other tools and platforms.

Task Automation: Automate scheduling and task assignment.

Reports and Analytics: Track team performance and agent availability.

Yoneos CRM simplifies schedule management and enhances the availability of your customer support team. Contact us today to learn more and discover how Yoneos CRM can help you achieve your customer satisfaction goals.